Including ZidaneA. and Pup Di ^-^ and all our cutie stacks to pow-pow some enemies! Fenrir. Quacho Queen, Princess Flan, tiny adamantoise turtle, and silly pervy Ultros~
HQ/Files at Patreon

6 16

-Mantodea 《Personification》-

6 35

TIRESIAS: fue un adivino ciego de Tebas.
Hijo de Estilbe y Cicreo.
Tiresias tuvo a:
Se dice que se quedó ciego de joven por Atenea o Hera, pero le dieron el don de ver el futuro. Y Zeus le otorgó el don de la profecía y una larga vida.


1 0

Got to finishing this at last! Agnes Frostwyght from Adamantoise belongs to my bbu

La bohème, la bohème 🎵

2 11

Anche nel difetto e nell’imperfezione
Sei soltanto incanto

📎 La Sala dei Giganti, Giulio Romano, Palazzo Te, Mantova

212 463

Never forget those who stand by you, never forget those who believe in you, try to distance yourself from those who deride you. Love will keep you safe.

2 6


By o

Like the art? Why not tag a friend and leave a comment below 👇😁

18 60

Pio Semeghini
Mantova 1878 / Verona 1964

La casa incantata ( Burano )
Olio su tavola

Ca' Pesaro, Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, Venezia


43 63

Design Characters Hermanto Lilian and his genderbend version.

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Giulio Romano assisted by Rinaldo Mantovano and Benedetto Pagni
Sala di Psiche: Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche (detail)
Italy (1527-30)
Fresco. Palazzo del Te (Mantua, Italy).

11 21

Life and Death Tour~生者と死者の夜~のチケットが全三箇所ともにプレオーダーの受付が開始されています💀



35 63

H!dE ONEMANTOUR 2017-2018

【会場】白金高輪SELENE b2



30 47

| Il 1539 moriva a Isabella d'Este. Figlia di Ercole I e di Eleonora d'Aragona, sposò Francesco Gonzaga divenendo di Mantova. Tra le più importanti del fu ritratta tra gli altri da e da

17 35

Idea for new scene structure: Two parts of stage alternately lit, apparently indicating two different locations, followed by general lighting showing that the two characters are actually in the same place. Staging idea inspired by this cartoon by

2 1

Goodnight from ! Surrounded on three sides by lakes, created during medieval time as the city's defence system, its historic power and influence under the family made it one of the main artistic, cultural and musical hubs of is a real jewel ! 💎

68 204


Quartz → Amethyst (紫水晶)
Topaz → BlueTopaz (加熱処理のブルートパーズ)
Garnet → DemantoidGarnet (クロム含有の緑色ガーネット)

15 62