The trending party for and is three days away... You still have enough time to join us, lest you feel the wrath of Cruella De Vil... Don't keep her waiting...

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4 more days until our trending party for the Cruella film and 101DS begins, my dear mates. You better join now, or this will be you as Cruella's new throne chair...

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Attention puppies... We now have 5 days for our trending party for Cruella on Disney+! Join now, or Cruella will haunt you in your sleep...!

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6 DAYS LEFT UNTIL THE CRUELLA PREMIERE, MATES! Join the trending party on May 28th, or Cruella will drop by your house..... AND TAKE YOU!!!>:D

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Hey ! We hope you're alive and well! We're on a quest in promoting 101 Dalmatian Street with our artwork, music, and posters! Hope you'll be back in your spotted-doggy mood soon!

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Esta a sido mi Serie Favorita estos años y realmente tiene mucho potencial y la trama se que se está poniendo cada vez mejor, porfavor amigos apoyemos esta serie como el gran fandom que somos 🤍🖤

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I had chat with my good friend Babclayman talk about news so I ask him for some help to keep our fanbase growing as we can to help!

all arts by Babclayman

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Art by Babclayman (with permission)

Master Ethan amd his beloved student of Guru Meow Akira Tasuki.

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