This character is on the prowl again! Look out lunch

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Heard Mabuhay Gardens is a strip club now. Better that than startup. Crunch my data, Debbie.

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New Down attack animation. Kind of excited about seeing it in game

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The barbarian's new run animation. Excited to get this in the game!

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The barbarian is learning to attack. Player beware...

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It's going to be one of those days. Through his club and got it stuck in the tree

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I told the barbarian I am going to teach him to walk. He's confused. But that's normal for him

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The barbarian's armor. Casual and functional

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The barbarian's boot. Probably should ramp up the number of furs sticking out to the side

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Building an animal skin shoulder coat for this guy. Kind of giddy about it

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The 20 highest paying startup unicorns

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And HA! YAH! SA!!!... I have to listen to this as I tweak the frames. Gets annoying

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Animating the player's attacks. KeeeYAH! PA! KKIPZOO!!!

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Getting a weapon in this character's hands

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With a little luck our hero will be running soon. Then I just have to get her attacking

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Here's the heroine, currently under development. Looking ghostly without her textures

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Prepping the hero for combat. Hey, ; she's going to take your castle by force

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Almost ready to walk into the level

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