im quickly becoming addicted to drawing mu qing also i think they should kiss

51 191

oh he's a ✨catboy✨

messy sketch but i was craving silver haired mu qing

72 264

I drew a lil quickie of FengQing for you haha I hope you like it <3

IDGAF Mu Qing is blonde and no canon adaptation can convince me otherwise!!!1!1!11!!!ONE!!!1!11!!

8 40

do you think they met to make out (and to come up with a plan to help xie lian) after that scene in the communication array?

69 285

fengqing boyfriends !!!!

13 42

day 4: picnic 🥤🥓 or more like camping in modern AU 😂😭 sorry 😂

5 45

im gonna say fengqing unsolved au with believer fx and skeptic mq SPECIFICALLY bc of these images

0 15

day 1: affection 🥰❤️ when you envy your friends’ PDA but your partner doesnt get it 😭😭#tgcf

31 122

Finally some fengqing crumbs *sobs*

They're a set, do not separate

0 1

El poder que maneja el fengqing me tiene de rodillas

7 30

fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos fengqing piticos

9 13

Mañana sale Fu Yao o no hay trato, ya hay fengqing chibi versión manhua, necesitamos la versión donghua

7 24

it's time!!

apparently im super fond of the "character scolding their loved one for making them worry, but it quickly turns into a comforting relieved hug" trope.......

104 255