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うんちく商事冬コミの新作「Mistera Festo」
ってなわけで今日(12/9)夜まで「二色蓮花蝶 ~ Red and White」をまるまる一曲公開。樂團の恐るべき演奏是非ご堪能ください。
INTERVIEW: "Kate Kozul: Artwork as a Manifesto" https://t.co/S0p5K3C5eZ
Approvato il Decreto sicurezza Matteo Salvini esulta, con una felpa da “ manifesto programmatico” ➦https://t.co/Ha6B0mDqX4 #Cartoon #Humor #Comics #FunnyPictures #EditorialIllustration #Vignette #Drawing #Satire #Politics
Ending the war on wildlife, https://t.co/Q9KAQmnUE7
Harry Woodgate’s science-driven illustration and design for A People’s Manifesto for Wildlife creates a human connection for its readers.
By Nigel Ball #ThePeoplesManifestoForWildlife #illustration #manifesto #graphicdesign
Light Festival #FESTOLI2018 let's celebrate Creativity and Innovation.
Valeu Aracy Balabanian por assinar o manifesto de armênios contra o candidato fascista.
Via @EstacaoArmenia
Hi guys! today's new strip is up over @ https://t.co/D1MzQBtQ7F enjoy 😃 #zombie #zombies #LifeStories
The #PeoplesManifestoForWildlife is made to be read . By everyone . It’s not a long , dry , boring text and it’s beautifully illustrated by @harryewoodgate . It’s bold , brave and honest - download free here https://t.co/33O9CQeuMu
Hi guys! tomorrow's new strip is up early over @ https://t.co/D1MzQBtQ7F enjoy 😃 #zombie #zombies #LifeStories
Heartbreaking quote from @Markatlush @SoundApproachUK in the beautifully illustrated #PeoplesManifestoForWildlife
1929'da, Fütürizm'in kurucusu F.T. Marinetti'nin de imzaladığı manifestoyla ortaya çıkan, uçuşla beraber değişen perspektifin yansıması, uçaktan/havadan resim Aeropittura (Aeropainting) ve mühim ressamlarından (Aeropainter) Tullio Crali'nin (İtalyan,Fütürist,1910-2000) resimleri.
9/5稼働『jubeat festo』にてイラストを担当しました「ロミとロボの宇宙飛行」のジャケット原画とエンブレムをご紹介します。ぜひエンブレムも集めていただけますと嬉しいです! #jubeat #jubeat10周年
【宣伝】9/5より新バージョンfesto稼働! jubeatにて、「BEMANI Sound Team "猫叉劇団"」さんの楽曲「星の小舟」のジャケットイラストを描かせて頂きました~ どうぞよろぴこちゃんです! #jubeat
#FreeTheFreshies: Manifesto of Unity
We, the student formations of UP Diliman, collectively call to Free the Freshies. Join the mobilization later, 4 PM, at the AS Steps!
Read the manifesto at https://t.co/NEvtzMKZTg.
Collection of my Manifesto of a Well Lived Life, digital, 11x17":https://t.co/7Y9QnwICoc