Um, ( LATE ) birthday gift for @//pastel.teddybear on Instagram, it took me like 6 hours please save me sksksksk

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Have this edit of a random OC :D
( yes, I edited it from that base )

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I'm so sorry for my inactivity! I was taking a break, take this edit of my un-named OC!

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Ekekeke Join Mochi High to learn on tips or simply to rp! ùwú giveaway and contest ongoing ouo!~
Also join ebic nice ppl server

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Working on a gacha edit of "BRING IT ON! / RETTOU JOTTOU! (?) by GIGA.

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Here are Kuro and Lawrence

I didnt mean to be a parrt of the thing but omg what have I done......They are hot...........

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Ma hawt gacha bab umu! I lob her hnn- gibe kyut pastel oc plis am bored

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made another man named kioshi! He’s cold and stoned faced 99% of the time and almost always looks angry

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1st 10fold 1st drop for that T H I C C Julietta!!!!

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Made the boy an icon! Shading hair is s t r e s s f u l

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