377 - Regirock
Type: Rock

REGIROCK’s body is composed entirely of rocks. Recently, a study made the startling discovery that the rocks were all unearthed from different locations.

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376 - Metagross
Type: Steel/Psychic

METAGROSS has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. This POKéMON can float in the air by tucking in its four legs

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375 - Metang
Type: Steel/Psychic

When two BELDUM fuse together, METANG is formed. The brains of the BELDUM are joined by a magnetic nervous system. By linking its brains magnetically, this POKéMON generates strong psychokinetic power.

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373 - Salamence
Type: Dragon/Flying

SALAMENCE came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in this POKéMON’s cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings.

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372 - Shelgon
Type: Dragon

Inside SHELGON’s armor-like shell, cells are in the midst of transformation to create an entirely new body. This POKéMON’s shell is extremely heavy, making its movements sluggish.

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371 - Bagon
Type: Dragon

BAGON harbors a never-ending dream of one day soaring high among the clouds. As if trying to dispel its frustration over its inability to fly, this POKéMON slams its hard head against huge rocks and shatters them into pebbles.

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369 - Relicanth
Type: Water/Rock

RELICANTH is a POKéMON species that existed for a hundred million years without ever changing its form. This ancient POKéMON feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth.

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368 - Gorebyss
Type: Water

GOREBYSS lives in the southern seas at extreme depths. Its body is built to withstand the enormous pressure of water at incredible depths. Because of this, this POKéMON’s body is unharmed by ordinary attacks.

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367 - Huntail
Type: Water

HUNTAIL’s presence went unnoticed by people for a long time because it lives at extreme depths in the sea. This POKéMON’s eyes can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean.

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366 - Clamperl
Type: Water

CLAMPERL’s sturdy shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown CLAMPERL’s shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.

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365 - Walrein
Type: Ice/Water

WALREIN’s two massively developed tusks can totally shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons with one blow. This POKéMON’s thick coat of blubber insulates it from subzero temperatures.

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364 - Sealeo
Type: Ice/Water

SEALEO often balances and rolls things on the tip of its nose. While the POKéMON is rolling something, it checks the object’s aroma and texture to determine whether it likes the object or not.

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363 - Spheal
Type: Ice/Water

SPHEAL is much faster rolling than walking to get around. When groups of this POKéMON eat, they all clap at once to show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy.

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362 - Glalie
Type: Ice

GLALIE has the ability to freely control ice. For example, it can instantly freeze its foe solid. After immobilizing its foe in ice, this POKéMON enjoys eating it in leisurely fashion.

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361 - Snorunt
Type: Ice

SNORUNT live in regions with heavy snowfall. In seasons without snow, such as spring and summer, this POKéMON steals away to live quietly among stalactites and stalagmites deep in caverns.

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360 - Wynaut
Type: Psychic

WYNAUT can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face. Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, this POKéMON will be slapping the ground with its tail.

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357 - Tropius
Type: Grass/Flying

The bunches of fruit around TROPIUS’s neck are very popular with children. This POKéMON loves fruit, and eats it continuously. Apparently, its love for fruit resulted in its own outgrowth of fruit.

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355 - Duskull
Type: Ghost

DUSKULL can pass through any wall no matter how thick it may be. Once this POKéMON chooses a target, it will doggedly pursue the intended victim until the break of dawn.

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354 - Banette
Type: Ghost

A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as BANETTE. The POKéMON’s energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth.

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353 - Shuppet
Type: Ghost

SHUPPET is attracted by feelings of jealousy and vindictiveness. If someone develops strong feelings of vengeance, this POKéMON will appear in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves of that person’s home.

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