When you love someone,
you even love his hairy legs(●—●)

101 270

超爱 肖战和王一博玩闹的时候!! 忍不住也把他们画出来了
过后再拿去印贴纸 ❤️❤️❤️

I very like WYB and XZ playing around XD and cant stop watching their fan meeting and back scenes ❤️❤️❤️

feel free to use as profile pic ~

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Days when Wei Ying is not around."Miss him."(ಥ_ಥ)

175 369

I cannot control myself to draw them anymore!I want them to get married right now!#魔道祖师

217 596

祝宽哥8.3生快 死线画宽曦😭

102 239

爱上自己画的QQ瑶 XD

I am totally in love with the CQL actor for LXC and JGY !!!! awwwwww WX coming soon >////< ❤️❤️

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