This video is so cool – a cormorant targeting suckerfish on whale sharks! It's ornithoichthyology! Also, I should probably be more careful about what I say around 🤦‍♂️:
(Meh, who am I kidding. I haven't learned a thing.)

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If you’re just jumping on board with THE VANGUARDIAN, then you can catch up to the current post by subscribing free to You can read all our “DANGERous” titles to date, also!

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THE VANGUARDIAN begins within his visions of a world eons-long dead….
Are the visions his?
In Ch.2 - INTERVENTION, they’ve caused a psychotic break that may have dire consequences in the “real world!”
Posting Tuesdays @

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Some news is forthcoming @ from about THE VANGUARDIAN going forward; ANOMALIES page reduxes; his health & well-being (or wealth & hell-being;) & myth-mashing (with or without gravy!)

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Take the leap to THE VANGUARDIAN will hit the ether with a new post @ on Tu.! Join free at the site for alerts.

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Join free @ to read all our rippin’ yarns to date! New to DANGER? Read the 1st chap. of THE VANGUARDIAN: Vol.1 - Kings & Pawns, ILLUMINATION b/f starting Chap.2 - INTERVENTION!, posting now!

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ugly sketch of bnha oc Arata! Still geting the hang of drawing on a tablet ;w;

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Tentative release schedule update: we're aiming for episode 2 launch during January, with episode 3 targeting the end of February. We apologize for the delays, but a few members of the team have other things they need to tend to.

In the meantime; artsyle concept by !

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I didn't have much to donate but i wanted to share this cause more so here's a jack with his charity rock! Because this charity stream rocks! just like all the supporters and eveyrone who spread the word! (sorry about forgeting your tattoo!)

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When jumping into a time-vortex, don’t forget to jiggle the handle! ;-) the final post of THE ANOMALY: Rock Bottom! is in the ether @

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Our man, THE ANOMALY, is completing another yarn later today! You can read ALL of our rippin’, yarns when you subscribe FREE @

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might make the weekend last longer! THE ANOMALY: Rock Bottom! has 2 posts left! @ with some rippin’ yarns!

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While THE ANOMALY is being tossed around space-time, THE VANGUARDIAN is getting ready for an INTERVENTION! Coming soon to for alerts & updates!

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The “tides” that bind! Our man gets “swept up” in today’s new post of THE ANOMALY: Rock Bottom! Coming today @ Join free for alerts &

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with rippin’ yarns! Subscribe free @ for news, alerts & 180+ pages of

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Why bother with a yarn if it’s not a rippin’ yarn? does rippin’ yarns in the tradition of classic serials & films! Join free for 200+ pgs of @

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At DANGER COMICS, we always try to raise the bar to give you rippin’ yarns with plenty of action & heart! Join free @ &

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THE ANOMALY’s current adventure, ‘Rock Bottom!,” will have meaning in next week’s post @ Be sure to subscribe free at the site for alerts & rippin’ yarns!

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