flying daughters, doctors...sorry kenya police airwing

43 13

Very apt. The Thinker. It's raw and powerful. We're with you Kenya. Thanks

74 23

You can hear the ice cracking between and

1 1

" sossion i dont get it"... Kaimenyi to sossion over UNREALISTIC fees structure

2 0

"Corruption is fighting back corruptly..."#KenyaIn5Words

0 1

Stefano De Luigi's shocking photographs of drought in Kenya:

31 22

The poor pushed against the wall reveals how rich some Kenyans are

3 2

Political vultures circling over leaders vs governor Tunai

0 0

Damned if you do. damned if you don't,

0 0


0 0

Donation on behalf Lee Min Ho for Gangnam 1970 ^^ $1700 USD for children of Makueni,Kenya

130 141

Filosofi angin: buat orang merasakan bahwa kamu ada, memberi kesejukan & kenyamanan :)

Happy birthday!

4 1

Kenya: the cartoonists on the proposed security bills

7 1

A KANU era return or progressive days ahead?

3 1

SCREENINGS: 19 original Kenyan short films created for are screening next week!

4 1

SCREENINGS: 19 original Kenyan short films created for are screening next week!

4 3

Congratulations! government has just fired 12,000

0 0