Seriously who made the N64 controller

7 5

Can't wait to see where the story takes place in for
I want Slippy back with the same voice from n64

10 27

An N64 controller as a family portrait

1 0

ついにリメイクが発表された『ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 3D』。新イラストと新着画面での紹介に加えて、N64版の思い出をもとに『ムジュラの仮面』の楽しさ、妖しさを語っています。……ニンドリ1月号発売中

43 34

I cannot wait for Majora's mask 3ds, gonna pull out the N64 and play while I wait

0 3

Everytime I played I made his mustache into sunglasses on the start screen.

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Still I want this game :( great art btw ;)

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