A tiger who goes on missions that involve hunting and searching for dragons to gain valuable experience as a full-time huntsman.

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A dinosaur who sleeps under the trees to avoid sunlight and used its large green leaf in order to protect itself during the rainy season.

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A pokemon who used its big claws and have taken on a more diabolical form, ripping everything they squeeze to shreds.

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A princess who loves to fly among the flowers, following an evening breeze along the path with other dancing butterflies.

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A beetle who accept commands as a royal queen; such as summoning all kinds of insects from the kingdom without hesitation.

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A pokemon who acts at its own pace, which is very difficult to handle and even hones its energy moves whenever it starts dancing.

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A pokemon who feeds on nectar and pollen of flowers, as it can feel the aura; it can even determine which flowers are blooming.

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A goddess of nature who takes full responsibility; which includes taking proper care of the wild animals, mountains, trees, rivers and flowers.


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