Here's this weeks choices of the covers that most appealed to me during my weekly Comixology browse.

Wonderful colours, artwork and compositions one and all.

What were your fave covers of the week?

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Friday comic! There’s always at least one fitness nut in the office that won’t let anyone enjoy snacks and I loathe their very essence. If I want to eat half a box of donuts I WILL EAT HALF A BOX OF DONUTS🍩😂

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mi portada para lo de :v no sabia que ropa ponerle a así que :,v sufriré por eso XD

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Amo mi photoshop que me elimino los efectos de luces >:c
ya fue lo entrego asi y espero guste uvu

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Mi portada para el concurso de !! Al final no me pude decidir y subo las dos versiones del título (no sé si era obligatorio el “4” ;;w;;) pero bueno, valió la pena <33

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Hace unas horas había subido mi portada para b4d pero me di cuenta que tenia errores y tuve que borrar el tweet, aqui lo traigo ya arregladito (?

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33rdBirthdayCommissionSpecial for of their grumpy Night Elf Priest! :D This one was TOUGH for me lighting wise, but I think it came out

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Vibes: Check out Dream of the Butterfly Volume 1 from on our page!

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