Una tardor de rutes WoW amb La Mar de Pollença!
A partir de L’#IlladelsTresors realitzam un recorregut a la recerca de les llegendes marineres.
📆Dissabte 6 d'octubre
⏱️de 10 h a 13h
📍Pollença i Pto. Pollença
Reserva la data i fes
Descarrega l'app https://t.co/FLx2uz4Wy5

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Bee Together!
Painted by
Sponsered by

Digital copies £20
Patreon! You can support me for less than £1 a month!
https://t.co/3QwyYiXvPg .

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Wenn du merkst, dass in POLLE auch Musik* drin ist (Panel: in der

* https://t.co/RIX91q9I8a

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Ha, das ist ja gar nicht so schwer! Einfach den Knopf hier drücken und alle Probleme sind gelöst:

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"Este eres tú. Y este es tu nivel de gilipollez e impulsividad. Demasiado alto para alguien de tu tamaño"

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Wir, wenn wir daran denken, dass nicht genug POLLE-Abos zusammen kommen könnten

(Panel: Ulf K. in - den ganzen Comic findest du hier: https://t.co/Gqv10vFYjW)

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Ribombee used Pollen Puff! アブリボン の かふんだんご! (via https://t.co/fkrTwIshv0)

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HAHA and you guys thought I wouldn’t be back till next week. Last two Kwami Humans That I wanted to do (Unless I do my own which would also be good) are Nooroo and Pollen! I haven’t seen Pollen in the show so she may get some tweaking once I know her personality but for now, THIS

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NSFW Commission for ! All Smite has been hit by sex pollen woops 🙊💦💦

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This pollen is some sweet 👁 🍬! "Ueber den Pollen" (1837) is authored by German chemist Carl Julius Fritzsche, who earned his doctorate with an 1833 thesis on pollen. Indulge this in thanks to : https://t.co/Y91TL9Kf07

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So! 300 POLLE-Abo-Anfragen sind eingegangen. Danke!!
Allerdings reicht das erst für eine Ausgabe pro Jahr. Wir brauchen bis Oktober noch 1.200 Abos, um alle zwei Monate erscheinen zu können.
Also: Weitersagen, dass es POLLE gibt! https://t.co/ScgvmGAjrP
(Illu: )

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la gilipollez del dia

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"In Bloom"
I've been thinking about the growth and cycles that surround these wee Summer empires, that we often pass and don't think a lot about. Pollen, honey, bees and sunshine!

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Hi guys, I just got my little mothkin boy approved~

Motkins are super cute closed species from Rogue-Incubi in Deviantart. There is MYO event going on right now so you should check it out~


Pollen belongs to me~

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The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.

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