Bit late but here's the Tier 3 raffle prize - Skullberry for Howl-n-Hart

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A big avatar I made for the Finnish Warrior Cats forum text rpg "Kohtalon kynnet". Hietahuntu being the cutie that he is uwu

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Lakefire! He’s a fun medicine cat that’s not afraid to throw hands. I was working on his gene string and I have no idea if his markings make himself a chimera or not 🤔🤔

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Well it's been a hot minute since I've made a feral battle cat oc

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SOME ART I DID YESTERDAY!!! Really vibing w the lot of it!

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I forgot to post this earlier, but... yeah. I made another 😂 I promise this is the last one for now!
His name is Hietahuntu (freely translated as Siltmask) and he's a small CinnamonRoll™️ who can't fight for his life but is really good at fishing!

0 6 celebrating this pmv I made two months ago! [ tw for violence, blood, and implied suicide ]

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My sweet boy Sunwhisper whose greatest dream is to have kits and be a queen.

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주제 제복으로 합작 참여했던것 올려봅니다.
지금 보면 여간 아쉬운 점이 많네요.😂😂

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