M-Muh Xbox needs more pointy, aimy and shooty games. Us Xbox elitists see no reason for Rare’s baby games bear, bird and squirrel. The colorful paper piñatas are boring too. More Halo. More Gears of War. More Project Mara. Xbox is for dark and gritty games, call me the gatekeeper

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One pun is okay, it's when you get very punny-wunny-talky-walky-shut-the-fuck-up-or-you'll-get-the-shooty-pooty!


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me go shooty go pew

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Ludum Dare's theme was "Keep It Alive"

Celebrate Earth Day today and keep Earth alive by playing my latest game jam entry, Shooty Moony!

(I recommend playing the Post Compo version)

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I have this illustration of two OC's Aries and Catina A131. Nearly from the start, some Halo fans started to rage because they're not badass shooty people 24/7.

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【#セブンスV 嘘発表】

新メンバー改め、初キービジュアル公開!!!! 😜
(推察等色々ありがとうございました!!! 2人はコンビなのでメンバーは増えませんごめんなさい🙏💦)


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best flying shooty magic lady girl

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I spent way too long today trying to make this look less like ass (pun intended) when I could have been doing something more educational.

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Yeah, Doom and AC had lots of colorful character designs that attract tons of fan art. XBC has this too, but tLoU is like a live action TV show. Very grounded and thus the designs aren't nearly as eye catching. You'd have sparkly anime boy Shulk next to Realistic Shooty Lady.

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At last I was able to finish the drawing and I liked how it looks.
I really liked the characters in The Owl House (even Hooty pleases me among their rarity).

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❝Your pre-order came in? Neat.❞

❝So what's all the hub-bub about Doom? Isn't it just another shooty game?❞

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shooty wolf (again)

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Tarot commission for Stabbymage (tumblr) and Chibi commission for Mcshooty (tumblr)

thank you!!

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