Furry time! :D
Yes, this is Lupin 👀🌟

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My submission for the AO3 Lupin Big Bang! Got requested to do some Jigoe... they're enjoying one another after a successful heist

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My submission for the The OT4 with some hurt/comfort fluff. It's rough being the centre of attention...

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Ummmm but when he’s wearing that apron in lady libertyyyy.....

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Finally feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things for digital art just in time for spooky season, so here's my new banner, based on one of the coolest scenes art wise in Cagliostro.

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Ok so here’s some more Zenigata because I have no self controoool :)

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간단하게 색 입히기.. 고에몽은 보드라운 느낌 어울릴 거 같아서..브러쉬 덕을 많이 봤다..지겐은 뭔가 맘에 안 들어서 드랍ㅎㅎ

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크라리스랑 레티시아 평생 행복해라..

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레베카 후반에 한번 뭔가 이런 스타일이였던 거 같은데 기억 잘 안난다.

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Not to plug my stuff but I'd like to show off some of my art I do on Insta! I do a lot of art as well as original characters. My strength is in traditional art but I'm working on digital art as well

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이대로 끝내겠다. 어려워 어려워

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