Newton Church in Porthcawl in 1905, Martin Ridley, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Vieux couple dans un nouveau parc paysager, Anton Mauve, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Decimators Vol. 1 - 4 by are available at the Wikid Store. Catch up on the story so far about a future overrun by mindless drones and the Decimators who stand against them. A satirical take on PC culture, this comic is packed with laughs!

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Louise em Saint Hubert, Eliseu Visconti, private collection (Palette: 🖌🎨

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The Pavillon de Flore and the Tuileries Gardens, Stanislas Ratel, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Study for a Border Design, Charles Sprague Pearce, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Nico for Kiwikidd! I love this fluffy fishy!

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I'm listening to being edited and it makes me so happy.

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We've got new pre-orders hitting the Wikid Store later this week, with tons of new books on the way! In the meantime check out our latest releases, including the return of Jack Irons in its 2nd printing. Check them out at the link below.

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Little Tyrant Flycatcher, Small-Headed Flycatcher, Blue Mountain Warbler, Bartram's Vireo, Short-Legged Pewee, and Rocky Mountain Flycatcher, Robert Havell, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Animalia Qvadrvpedia et Reptilia (Terra): Plate XLV, Joris Hoefnagel, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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I Went Down that There Slide Faster than the Empire State Express, William Glackens, (Palette: 🖌🎨

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