Natsume considered sending the lowercase e, then stared at the shelf for several minutes before realizing he had already sent it.

"Perhaps someone with a greater amount of NEURONS would be more SUITED to this task."

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ayer estaba en un mood por garycato y esto es todo lo que mis dos neuronas pudieron hacer

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Daily Leaf 2013: See that smudge on the top left there? Neuron walked straight through my water and onto my paper

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What is it like to be an octopus? 🐙 [THREAD.]

Octopus nervous systems are less centralized than ours. Two-thirds of their neurons are in their arms, which are partially autonomous. [1/3]

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Neuronal connectome of a whole adult mouse revealed by vDISCO technology

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“No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap.”

“There is the window. Leap.” Victarion had no patience for this. His wounded hand was troubling him. “What do you want?”

“The world.” Firelight glimmered in Euron’s eye. His smiling eye.

41 130

Happy Monday! Get those neurons firing and wiring together by checking out our newest cartoon on Donald Hebb. Full cartoon at Cartoon by

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Featured Art of the Day: "Electric Neurons". Buy it at:

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La hormona de la felicidad crea los recuerdos del miedo Una nueva investigación ha descubierto que una región del cerebro medio contiene neuronas que se activan cuando perciben una amenaza. Entonces liberan dopamina, la hormona de la felicidad, para...

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Thank you so much to for my new banners for YT/Twitch/Twitter :D I love them! Plus this cute little chibi version of Euronymoose for my Twitch Avatar. Hopefully not long until I get to affiliate now.

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guess dark souls fanart is the only coping mechanism my 4 remaining neurons are able to summon at this point, anyway here's 's extremely powerful Croquembouche

5 43

“If a thousand ships set sail, three hundred may reach the far side of the narrow sea … and then what? The first storm will scatter us across half the earth.”
A smile played across Euron’s blue lips. “I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last.”

36 115

The Connection - I think this is what it looks like in our brains when an Astroglial CB1 receptor makes a connection with a neuron enabling shape recognition memory. Thanks Team Marsicano at the NCM and Neuron for asking me to do this.

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Check out the latest issue of our short story series, Stories From Beyond The NeuroNet: - This issue was written by the multi-talented - Our Composer

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He saw the longships of the Ironborn adrift & burning on a boiling blood­-red sea. He saw his brother on the Iron Throne again, but Euron was no longer human. He seemed more squid than man, a monster fathered by a kraken of the deep, his face a mass of writhing tentacles.

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Out with the Old, in with the New – Can Neuron Transplantation Stop Brain Aging?

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What books spark your neurons?

While you read, your brain's pathways for language and speech fire excitedly. If what you read is important to you, it is logged by the hippocampus and converted into memory while you're sleeping.

We <3

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In the myelin sheath which protects a neuron's axon is attacked by the immune system due to what is thought to be a virus or defective gene. Without that protective covering nerve signals slow down or stop.

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