129 - Magikarp
Type: Water

Abilities: Swift-swim, Rattled

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92 - Gastly
Type: Ghost / Poison

Abilities: Levitate

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90 - Shellder
Type: Water

Abilities: Shell-armor, Skill-link, Overcoat

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84 - Doduo
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Run-away, Early-bird, Tangled-feet

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82 - Magneton
Type: Electric / Steel

Abilities: Magnet-pull, Sturdy, Analytic

0 0

Heres more Gen1 sprite-accurate pokemon to make your day worse :D

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77 - Ponyta
Type: Fire

Abilities: Run-away, Flash-fire, Flame-body

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Sorry about the delay in posts! I had a particularly rough week and needed a little break to recharge my batteries. A little time with some friends helped set everything right.

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48 - Venonat
Type: Bug / Poison

Abilities: Compound-eyes, Tinted-lens, Run-away

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46 - Paras
Type: Bug / Grass

Abilities: Effect-spore, Dry-skin, Damp

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22 - Fearow
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Keen-eye, Sniper

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21 - Spearow
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Keen-eye, Sniper

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Heres a gen 1 charizard! Probs gonna do Venasaur and maybe raichu n end it on them. These have been super fun to do tho!

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Saw that was trending and wanted to share my gen1 inspired gen8 poster. Wanted to give this gen a nostalgia hit with recent nostalgia trends. hope y'all like it

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I cannot stress how much i MISS these more tradicional "kaiju" designs they had by gen1, it kinda ended with Tyranitar but at the same time he kinda doesn't look like them at all, so eh.

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Happy birthday Ina!
Me and my bestfriend decided to have you rep EN gen1 for our roster!

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It's important and healthy to get out and play in the sunshine (with your Poke-pals)!
What interesting Pokemon have you caught on a recent day out in the sun?

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