330 - Flygon
Type: Ground/Dragon

FLYGON whips up a sandstorm by flapping its wings. The wings create a series of notes that sound like singing. Because the “singing” is the only thing that can be heard in a sandstorm, this POKéMON is said to be the desert spirit.

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329 - Vibrava
Type: Ground/Dragon

To make prey faint, VIBRAVA generates ultrasonic waves by vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This POKéMON’s ultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches in people.

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328 - Trapinch
Type: Ground

TRAPINCH’s nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand. This POKéMON patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit. Its giant jaws have enough strength to crush even boulders.

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327 - Spinda
Type: Normal

No two SPINDA are said to have identical spot patterns on their hides. This POKéMON moves in a curious manner as if it is stumbling in dizziness. Its lurching movements can cause the opponent to become confused.

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326 - Grumpig
Type: Psychic

GRUMPIG uses the black pearls on its body to amplify its psychic power waves for gaining total control over its foe. When this POKéMON uses its special power, its snorting breath grows labored.

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325 - Spoink
Type: Psychic

SPOINK bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this POKéMON cannot afford to stop bouncing - if it stops, its heart will stop.

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324 - Torkoal
Type: Fire

TORKOAL digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it. If it is attacked, this POKéMON spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat.

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323 - Camerupt
Type: Fire/Ground

CAMERUPT has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees F courses through its body. Occasionally, the humps on this POKéMON’s back erupt, spewing the superheated magma.

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322 - Numel
Type: Fire/Ground

NUMEL stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the POKéMON’s body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish.

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321 - Wailord
Type: Water

WAILORD is the largest of all identified POKéMON up to now. This giant POKéMON swims languorously in the vast open sea, eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous mouth.

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320 - Wailmer
Type: Water

WAILMER can store water inside its body to transform itself into a ball for bouncing around on the ground. By filling itself up with more water, this POKéMON can elevate the height of its bounces.

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319 - Sharpedo
Type: Water/Dark

Nicknamed “the bully of the sea,” SHARPEDO is widely feared. Its cruel fangs grow back immediately if they snap off. Just one of these POKéMON can thoroughly tear apart a supertanker.

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318 - Carvanha
Type: Water/Dark

CARVANHA’s strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls. Many boats have been attacked and sunk by this POKéMON.

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317 - Swalot
Type: Poison

When SWALOT spots prey, it spurts out a hideously toxic fluid from its pores and sprays the target. Once the prey has weakened, this POKéMON gulps it down whole with its cavernous mouth.

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316 - Gulpin
Type: Poison

Most of GULPIN’s body is made up of its stomach - its heart and brain are very small in comparison. This POKéMON’s stomach contains special enzymes that dissolve anything.

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315 - Roselia
Type: Grass/Poison

ROSELIA shoots sharp thorns as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of this POKéMON brings serenity to living things.

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314 - Illumise
Type: Bug

ILLUMISE attracts a swarm of VOLBEAT using a sweet fragrance. Once the VOLBEAT have gathered, this POKéMON leads the lit-up swarm in drawing geometric designs on the canvas of the night sky.

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312 - Minun
Type: Electric

MINUN is more concerned about cheering on its partners than its own safety. It shorts out the electricity in its body to create brilliant showers of sparks to cheer on its teammates.

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311 - Plusle
Type: Electric

PLUSLE always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this POKéMON shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy.

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310 - Manectric
Type: Electric

MANECTRIC is constantly discharging electricity from its mane. The sparks sometimes ignite forest fires. When it enters a battle, this POKéMON creates thunderclouds.

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