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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran

📚 https://t.co/QAQmAyccff

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En 1966, al recibir el prestigioso premio Hans Christian Andersen, Jansson reflexiona: “En un libro infantil, siempre debe quedar algo no aclarado, algo sin ilustración. Hay que permitir y propiciar que el niño reflexione solo, que distinga por sí mismo entre lo real y lo irreal.

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João, protagonista do livro “O sorriso de João”. Escrito pela doutora Raquel Vilela e ilustrado por , foi lançado com sucesso em 2015 pela editora Idea.

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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran

📚 https://t.co/QAQmAybEpH

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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran

📚 https://t.co/QAQmAybEpH

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El asesino~💕

Un hombre sombra que tiene cierto apego a los niños, entró al grupo solo para cuidar de los infantes y posiblemente secuestrar y adoptar algunos.
Niño que ve, niño que verá si tiene buena vida para saber si lo puede adoptar.

Le gusta el olor de la sangre.

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La mano derecha del líder~💕

Un experimento perfecto.
Inteligente, hermosa, peligrosa.
Aunque su forma de actuar la hace ver como una mujer sumisa, aveces infantil, pero es puro veneno.

Muy literal, podría matar o inmovilizar a alguien utilizando su lengua como arma.

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wey, acabo de investigar un poco, y me encontre con esto, creo que no es un fanatico religioso ni una persona de hiper derecha, si no alguien politicamente esta en el medio, creo que simplemente se trago el bait del adoctrinamiento infantil

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otro usuario me hablo de el, me puse a buscar un poco de informacion, y me encontre esto, creo que en ralidad no es un fanatico religioso o alguien de hiper derecha, si no alguien que politicamente esta en el medio, que simplemente se trago el "bait" del adoctrinamiento infantil

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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran

📚 https://t.co/QAQmAybEpH

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It can be that Caesar could be somewhere around 35 whereas Leewon could be 29-31 which would make sense considering he is an infant next to Caesar who’s portrayed like a 6-7 y/o child in the official art with them as kids

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The RDA corp was the best thing in the movie. Really good designs for their light infantry and helicopters. Just had a bunch of issues with the AMP suits and such.

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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran

📚 https://t.co/QAQmAybEpH

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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran

📚 https://t.co/QAQmAybEpH

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So back when I was a damn infant watching Anpanman.....Look he was super cool okay (2 more characters from Anapanman coming up)

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Entre los generales que lo acompañaron esa jornada se encontraba Miguel Negrete con su 1era división de infantería, así como Felipe Berriozabal, Porfirio Díaz, Francisco LaMadrid y Antonio Álvarez frente a la caballería

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Cualquier discriminación y racismo son tan infantiles y patéticas como la rabieta de un niño, al final no genera nada bueno por eso hay que superar eso y madurar, al final todos somos iguales y con los mismos derechos.

Omega 5/5/2022

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