⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”I am in awe, it is simply lovely. You truly have a gift! It is perfect. It brought tears to my eyes to see her in the cap and gown. We only wish things could have been different for her but hopefully this will help make this time in her life special.”

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I'm tired of posting drama BS, let's post some Kryptid stuff, and enjoy this lovely spritework...

At least... I hope its lovely...

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This is Gina. She’s afraid of a lot of things. But she’s lovely.

0 1

Clarence Underwood (1871-1929) This is lovely. Rarely seen Illustration of old folk. They won’t be watching TV either.
Back later. 😀

34 131

I loved working with you! Your art is lovely. Hopefully we can collab again. <3

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gift art for !!
I just wanna say.. wolfie has gotten me through a lot. Have always been there for me and... they're just so lovely. They're always down to talk, no matter what hour or how long I've been gone and I couldn't be more grateful;; You're amazing <3

5 12

”Your flowers are beautiful.
It's lovely.💠”

4 14

A few things left to do , isn’t it lovely. All I need now are some plants for the planters ❤️

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aaaaaaaa I hit 400 followers today!! Thank you so so much for your support, this community is so lovely. You're all so kind and I appreciate your love and kindness immensely. Thank you thank you!!! 😭💖

0 25

I made this oc like ages ago. She's called Jaya and I made this simplified headshot of her to introduce her lmao.
》She's a pirate magician bc that's how life's goin'.
》The scars are like a parallel w/ other of mine, now that I think about it. OH WELL she's still lovely.

3 6

(Jaw drops to the floor. Eyes pop out. Sound effect of, "AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!!" Places eyes and jaw back in place. Regains composure.) ... Eh hem, you look quite lovely.

1 3

Lovely. Of course that isn't 666 different pieces, I've got a bunch a progress shots in there along with the finished pieces.

0 1

Yeah, I was really taken with the bold, graphic like application of the paint; muted palettes. Lovely. I riffed on his stuff for about a year 2011-12 in varying forms. The girl at the window even name checks him on one of the boos :-D Can't believe two of these were made in AI

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Seeing the way Quinn's death Impacted Adrienne is so sad and great. The way Adrienne continues living her life with what Quinn has taught her is lovely.

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I don’t main Elphelt, but she is certainly lovely.

1 5

There's technically a game where you can team up Kay and Franny, as well as Maya, although it's exclusive to Japan and it's a social strategy RPG: https://t.co/Sg88nCTNrf. The art for them is lovely.

29 153

2/2 To the gorgeous happy rain down hellfire and shoot us to the stars my lovely. ❤️🥰😘🌺

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Moondancer just checking out the stars tonight. Shame it is raining here though, a starry night is always lovely.
Artwork is by Asimos, find them below!

14 49

Today went to ate the pasta~then suddenly thought the movie "Lady and the Tramp" it's really lovely... :) so I draw pokemon's too!

1 15

A little fanart for , because I've fallen in love with this sweet little solitary dragon (Junebug), and his owner could use a little more appreciation. If you haven't seen Strathven's work, go do so! His watercolor snippets are lovely.

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