기다릴 수 없다.. 5.3을 달라🥺

42 90

Gmn? Oo ora mudeng gW. :))) dah sok selamat istirahat~

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There’s a lot of bad stuff going on right now. Please enjoy some fluff to raise your spirits. We will get through this.

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5.3// a little late to the party but an offering


4 4

Coret-coret santai aja sambil cari inspirasi, siapa tau ntar ada yg klik di hati
Kalo nggak, istirahat dulu juga gapapa 💗 sambil nonton oneus biar hepi 😊

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Tagged by Delina "Bebek" chan

lock screen
Home screen
And last utubesearch

Bagi yg Mau saja, takutnya Pada sibuk dan ada yg mau istirahat. https://t.co/XVFgxNcOGl

0 6

Dikit lagi, tinggal finishing & nglay out
Project ini lumayan panjang
15an ilustrasi dan printilannya u/part (sejarah) company profile perusahaan jamu. Setelah ini selese mau istirahat dulu, jenuh 😬

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Gaada gambar taun baru malem ini, mau dipake istirahat aja dulu shsgsgs
Anyway have some comparison between January vs December pake oc fav di awal taun dan oc fav akhir taun

1 17

A commission for of their WoL and G'raha ~

Thank you so much for commissioning me!

11 28

Semangaaaatz~ Kl gW pake “z” 🤣 semoga tugas nya bisa cepat selesai jadi lo bisa istirahat. Take care kid~ kesehatan d jaga~

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Otsuuuu~ makasih hari ini~ selamat istirahat~~

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Selamat beristirahat~ sehat sehat selalu~ selamat berlibur~ uga~

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