4 albums I can listen to without skipping any songs

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Post the covers of 4 albums you listen to head to toe without skipping a track and tag 5 others to do the same.

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Saw a tweet about the 4 albums without skipping and because i listen to too much music for my own good i'm doing 8. sue me!!!

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💫 Post covers of 4 K-pop albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track & tag 5 others to do the same


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I already did it sorta but I wanna do more for the 4 albums thing!
4 albums I can listen to without skipping (or in my case that I find particularly hard to skip anything cause I almost ALWAYS "don't skip")

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Большая редкость, когда я повторно слушаю альбомы полностью. Обычно распиливаю их на особо любимые треки.

Post the covers of albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track and tag 5 others to do the same
(берите, кто хочет) https://t.co/tPzPnzPvsI

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Post 4 albums you listen to head to toe without skipping!

[i'm too shy to actually tag anyone but if you read this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged!] https://t.co/AFHB8y1tuM

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Post 4 Albums you'd listen to head to toe without skipping a song

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Tagged by for this

4 albums I listen to on HEAVY rotation without skipping a single track

1) IGOR, by Tyler the Creator
2) Money Store, by Death Grips
3) Trilogy, by Carpenter Brut
4) Exmilitary, by Death Grips

I'll try to give a explanation for them below!

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post the covers of the albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track and tag others to do the same

do this if u want sisters.. honestly couldn’t think of much LOL https://t.co/lDogFDrVs0

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post the covers of the albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track and tag others to do the same

i will not tag people, do this if you want to, youre a free being https://t.co/n8IzffGES0

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doing the 4 albums that i can listen to front to back w/o skipping a track thingy

if you squint you can see that i have no standard favourite musical genre at all
also you can replace grand with any album and it's still holds true. grand is just my first thus fave

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Post four albums you listen to start to finish without skipping any tracks.

(Looking at these... lotta Teenage Clay in here. Time to listen to my playlist of music from when I was 16, huh?) https://t.co/cZ8bEaqXFB

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post the covers of the albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track https://t.co/n6yj3cpgad

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Post the covers of albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track https://t.co/BhFm6lQA6i

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list four albums that you can play from start to finish without skipping a track and tag four of your mutuals to do the same. mmm idk 😁 whoever who wants to make this https://t.co/5ydlQycM2Z

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Post the covers of albums that you listen to from head to toe without skipping a track and tag five people https://t.co/74RA2X9fMV

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