이 책들은 19세기 프랑스의 유명한 디자이너 오귀스트 라시네가 1877~1888년까지 발행했던 『복식사(LE COSTUME HISTORIQUE)』 전6권에서 민족의상과 중세유럽복장을 중심으로 발췌한 것으로...

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Edgar Degas (French 1834-1917) 'Dancers Practicing at the Barre' 1877

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Happy Birthday Tom Thomson-Aug 5,1877 one of the greats

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そして7月まとめです! 今月もお疲れ様でした!!

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yesterday's delayed July 9th, 1877: The inaugural begins

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alfred kubin
生年月日: 1877年4月10日
生まれ: チェコ リトムニェジツェ
死没: 1959年8月20日, オーストリア ヴェルンシュタイン・アム・イン
時代・様式: 表現主義、 象徴主義

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Proof that one form of art does not change with time. These are ca. 1877 by Prince George. http://t.co/R5FdKJxF9L

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Gustave De Smet (Belgian, 1877-1943), The Farm, c.1934. Canvas, 65 x 77 cm.

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Renée Vivien (1877 – 1909), was a British poet who tried to kill herself by drinking an excess of laudanum in 1908.

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Edgar Dancers Practicing at the Barre, 1877, Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Tavik Frantisek Simon.
(Czech, 1877~1942)
체코 출신의 화가 타빅 시몬의 작품 속 거리 풍경.

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A sneak peek at another one! Princess line dress of grey&white narrow striped silk trimmed w/ yellow silk ribbon,1877

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Similarities of Propaganda 3: dehumanising the enemy as an octopus Russia 1877, England 1899, Germany 1916, USSR 1938

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Bror Lindh.
(Swedish, 1877-1941)
스웨덴 출신의 화가 브로르 린드의 겨울 '밤'들.

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