Q: What do an from Chicago, a Tokyo teen a hulking American a slacker store Manager & a sociopathic with a love for American have in common? A:

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Felipe Cagno faced the Curse of THE 7 DEADLY QUESTIONS :: A Throw BacK Thread https://t.co/9qSz7IJLOI

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THROW BACK THREAD:: Felipe Cagno faced the Curse of THE 7 DEADLY QUESTIONS . :: A Throw BacK Thread https://t.co/J3kPs0a2cp

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Vesalio: "De humani corporis fabrica. Epitome" (Basilea, 1543). Resumen de la gran obra de Vesalio y de menor tamaño. Estaba dedicada al príncipe Felipe, futuro Felipe II. https://t.co/e7eVy1wSXJ

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E ai, meu nome é luis, luis felipe, um dia quero ser artista de jogos, gosto também de escrever e editar algumas coisas

Artistas incríveis:

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These 4 connecting covers I did for back in 2016.

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Découvrez Felipe Fontoura, Artist habitant à São Paulo, au Brésil. Travaillant actuellement en tant qu’artiste indépendant, il préconise fortement pour ses personnages !

Voir toutes ses modélisations ➡ https://t.co/ZzS9ZBNwqI

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Felipe Cagno faced the Curse of THE 7 DEADLY QUESTIONS :: A Throw BacK Thread https://t.co/16nmjRGfX7

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💚Marvel Green Ladies: 3 Gamoras & a She-Hulk 💚#ItAintEasyBeingGreen

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