Artist: Thalia Flora-Karavia
Style: Impressionism
Genre: genre painting

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Monet in His Studio Boat”, by Édouard Manet, 1874, oil on canvas, genre: Impressionism

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Eloise”, by Hilary Knight, 1956, tempera on paper, genre: Children’s Book Illustration

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7. to be kind / swans
genre: experimental rock, noise rock
I'm sorry for this

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Title: クフ (Khufu)
Genre: Mesopotamia Trance

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Agatha Gothe-Snape”, by Mitch Cairns, 2017, oil on linen, genre: Surrealism, Modern Art

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"Four Beauties"
Artist: Lin Fengmian
Style: Post-Impressionism
Genre: genre painting

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Ground Swell” by Edward Hopper, 1939, oil on canvas, genre: Social Realism

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The Third Party Ep.31 preview
>> https://t.co/QNz8ReKrfV
Genre: GL, yuri mature 😊
Schedule: Mondays @ 10:00PM (KST)

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Art Inspiration For Today: “The Three Stallions” by Xu Beihong, 1898-81, watercolor & ink on paper, style / genre: 20th Century Chinese Art

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"Suite Última Tauromàquia"
Artist: Joan Ponc
Date: 1982
Style: Surrealism
Genre: portrait

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Art Inspiration For Today: “1967 Pontiac GTO” by Art Fitzpatrick & Van Kaufman, style / genre: Illustration, Automotive Art

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Kitten with a Whip” by Niagara, 2004, Acrylic on Canvas, style / genre: Pop Iconography

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Light Iris” by Georgia O’keefe, 1924, Oil on Canvas, style / genre: American Modernism

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich, 1881, style and/or genre: German Romanticism

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"Nude And African Drum"
Artist: Philip Pearlstein
Date: 2006
Style: Contemporary Realism
Genre: nude painting (nu)

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"The Jazz Band"
Artist: Gerard Sekoto
Date: 1961
Style: Expressionism
Genre: genre painting

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Art Inspiration For Today: “Vogue Magazine Cover” by Irving Penn, April 1950, (model Jean Patchett) style and/or genre: Fashion Photography

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Artist: Ivan Albright
Date: 1931
Style: Magic Realism
Genre: nude painting (nu)

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