To mark my return with something lovely: Here are the expressions of Alessa! 1 more coming later today~

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trigger warning for blood/injury
“Lead me not astray. Keep me vigilant. Keep them safe.” - the Third Verse
Lady Alessandra Dawnbreaker, chosen of Helm, war cleric, and utterly tragic Aasimar

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"'It was foolish to come here tonight, Tom,' said Dumbledore calmly. 'The Aurors are on their way-'
'By which time I shall be gone, and you will be dead!' spat Voldemort. He sent another killing curse at Dumbledore but missed"
— JKR (OP36)

by Alessandro Bacchetta

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Tissue addon by Alessandro Zomparelli for Blender got new updates, now has this neat "Streamline" option download the b280 dev branch:

Support Tissue:

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D&D !
Faris, Luca's oc
Leda, Luna's oc
Brenno, Marco's oc

Special thanks to Alessandro, the Dungeon Master, who gave this illustration to his players 👏

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After one or Evelyn De Morgan’s drawings of Alessandro De Marco. Pastel on paper

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Per ogni ferita che io
possa averti causato,
ne ho causata una uguale
a me stessa.
Perciò, ti prego, non odiarmi.
Io sono una persona imperfetta.

Tokyo blues
✒ Haruki Murakami

🎨Alessandro Tofanelli

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Un caso de acoso tomado de la Biblia.

Adivina cuál de los dos ha sido pintado por un hombre y cuál por una mujer...

[Susana y los viejos, en las versiones de Alessandro Allori y Artemisia Gentileschi]

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Alessandro Andreuccetti

Laisser pleurer l'acquerelle / Let the waterbug cry

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Remastered this pic of Alessa with a growing problem on her milkers.

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Alessandro Sicioldr b.1990 Italian Artist

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Hi. I'm Alessandra. I mostly draw fanart and OCs at the moment. I'm a pretty recent college graduate, and do plan to work on a portfolio for animation so I can pursue my next degree. I'm trying to build a following as well. I can be found on Deviantart with the same username.

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Quand je pense à l’Italie, Rome emplit mon esprit. Et quand je pense à Rome, je rêve de fontaines, comme dans ces modèles dessinés au XVIIe siècle, peut-être par Alessandro Francini. C’est délicieusement rafraîchissant non ? Sur : Gelati ? 😊

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