producer card baybeeeeee

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Aw, thanks Evey!!

Post four fictional characters that mean the world to you and tag 6 mutuals to do the same.

First ones that came to mind baybeeeee!!

I honestly don't know who to tag atm, so GO NUTS EVERYONE!!

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¡Acabeeeeeeeeeeeeeé! ✨Me divertí mucho coloreando esto c: espero que sea de su agrado ♥

‼️Mejor resolución:

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Does Risu like it BEEEEEEEEEEEG? The Tshirt I mean

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Original idea was a hippie chick, but I kinda just kept messing with colors and stuff 🥴. Guess her name will beeeee Sarah? Body drawing practice really. Can’t draw bodies at all 😢.

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Production art for the pins GET! Just gotta confirm a few fixes and we’re in business baybeeeeee

The hyena spots are going to be screen printed so here’s a naked yeen for you x}

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riko-chan laser beeeeeaaaaaaammmmmmmm!!

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Pergunta tola, é claro q é 1,65! Salto é igual a lente de contato: Faz parte de você até o momento que decidirem investigar a veracidade da coisa (Ps: coloca "Com o salto" beeeeem pequenininho na frente ou riscado)

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real me vs fantasy me: I WANNA BE A CATBOY BAYBEEEEE with elf ears also because fuck the rules 🤩

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Therion Redesign 2.0 is such a vibeeeee~

I really went ham with the detail and lighting on this one, looking forward to fixing the next twoo. I really liked my line drawing on this one so I posted that too.

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[Out of Control] page 1
Millenium dragon*beeeeep*!!
Thanks to my patrons for making this comic possible!! Love you guys!

Comic early access on Patreon

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My new D&D character (Aasimar Cleric, Twilight domain), some wrap jewelry with stones, here's a cute sleepy pup (her name is Delta) and I ordered a of my main D&D campaign character (Tiefling Druid, circle of the moon, baybeeeeee)

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