Do visit 'Secret Letters', Rosie Sanders solo exhibition. The gallery is full of her masterful botanical paintings

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Here's my poster created for the recent exhibition. A real honour to be involved.

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We had a brilliant time for the private view last night - his first ever London solo exhibition. Don't miss it!

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Last week to see the 'Stroke of Brilliance' exhibition. Don't miss your chance! Come down to 193 Bath St today

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Come along to our Cafe Art Competition Exhibition. An exhibition of artwork by those affected by homelessness.

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Come along to our Cafe Art Competition Exhibition. An exhibition of artwork by those affected by homelessness.

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Late evening, kayaking around Beer head. Oil on linen. Jurassic coast art exhibition.

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Come along to our Cafe Art Competition Exhibition. An exhibition of artwork by those affected by homelessness.

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Last weekend to catch our exhibition. Discover how Walthamstow School of Art became a hotbed of creativity in the 50s & 60s

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Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the artists picked for the exhibition. Here's some college work for starting off the year!

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I will be at Caerphilly tomorrow afternoon 12-3 to officially kick off my Painting Your Wales exhibition.

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Congrats to Brad Ware for winning 3rd Place Show (Digital & Photo) in the Skies exhibition.

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Congrats to Francesca Caputo for winning 3rd Place Show (Traditional) in the Skies exhibition.

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Congrats to Julie Berglund for winning 2nd Place Show (Digital & Photo) in the Skies exhibition.

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One of the most popular works at our Metropolis exhibition... who's that girl?

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Congrats to Simone Arrigoni for winning Best in Show (Digital & Photo) in the Skies exhibition.

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Congrats to Carl Owen for winning Best in Show (Traditional) in the Skies exhibition.

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A few dazzle fish created by Abbeyhill P4 pupils for upcoming Colony of Artists exhibition.

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