Here's the little hairbrush bug guy by the way
Both in a simili-Gen1 style and something closer to the artstyle used in artworks for SKXS/SHSS with the vibrant colors and plastic-y shading

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I'm live drawing all 151 Gen1 Pokémon (hopefully not in one sitting)!

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146 - Moltres
Type: Fire / Flying

Abilities: Pressure, Flame-body

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144 - Articuno
Type: Ice / Flying

Abilities: Pressure, Snow-cloak

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133 - Eevee
Type: Normal

Abilities: Run-away, Adaptability, Anticipation

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Summary of my HololiveID Gen1 fanart

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129 - Magikarp
Type: Water

Abilities: Swift-swim, Rattled

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92 - Gastly
Type: Ghost / Poison

Abilities: Levitate

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90 - Shellder
Type: Water

Abilities: Shell-armor, Skill-link, Overcoat

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84 - Doduo
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Run-away, Early-bird, Tangled-feet

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82 - Magneton
Type: Electric / Steel

Abilities: Magnet-pull, Sturdy, Analytic

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77 - Ponyta
Type: Fire

Abilities: Run-away, Flash-fire, Flame-body

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48 - Venonat
Type: Bug / Poison

Abilities: Compound-eyes, Tinted-lens, Run-away

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46 - Paras
Type: Bug / Grass

Abilities: Effect-spore, Dry-skin, Damp

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22 - Fearow
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Keen-eye, Sniper

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21 - Spearow
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Keen-eye, Sniper

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