
本日のお題:「ずるいよ magnetic today」

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Unlike Earth, the Moon has no magnetic field, so you couldn't use a compass to navigate! 🌑 https://t.co/YIUB890S2u

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NorthWind and SunShine / てらんた
by 蘭汰*ずるいよMagnetic today with 4 others


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ずるいよMagnetic today

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Electro-Magnetic Audi Concept Car Without Wheels / new concept Imagined by designer Kevin Clarridge

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【スクフェス】難しいと話題の「ずるいよMagnetic today」のフルコン動画【難民キャンプ】 - スクフェス通信 https://t.co/qdIJ35okfi

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1/20 Magnetic Floating DeLorean Time Machine, Back To The Future Part II

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Memories: Magnetic Rose é muito bonito, pqp

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When magnetic ferrofluid comes in contact with a magnetic object, it becomes a moving scul… http://t.co/hbHV7O0q6h

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Introducing Magnut! Magnut are hard working companions, but don't let their magnetic hands close to electronics!

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Does Diggle's new Costume come with magnetic powers? 😂😂😂I mean, they're joking right? It doesn't feel right.

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This dark yet magnetic piece provides a new take on the power of the sun. http://t.co/u6YJlVPi10

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Art is magnetic, calming, restorative, bold & so much more to me. It's a breath of fresh air when all seems unclear.

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Go Space Lightning! - A black hole with a strong magnetic field generates lightning bolts 1.5x as long as our galaxy.

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The Magnetic Fieldsの「Yeah! Oh, Yeah!」をで聴こう。 https://t.co/MuuBVTKxHH

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Magnetic Press announces Year Two titles - http://t.co/Fo6Q5Zr7Lx

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