Aqui, para você

eu fiz no mouse, demorou, mas eu to feliz com o resultado
mas eu espero que goste :'3

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oii, eu sou o Leo e eu desenho coisas usando o mouse, meu instagram é @ nioblu :)

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Aqui, para você
eu fiz no mouse, demorou, mas eu to feliz com o resultado
mas eu espero que goste :'3
(Retweet por que esqueci a assinatura)

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Soy Kira! He dibujado por mouse hace mucho y por fin en diciembre del año pasado he podido comprar una tableta digital sadkjasd, aún me sigo acostumbrando a ella porque no la uso demasiado
Blossom y el lorito es de mis tiempos en mouse, los otros 2 con tableta :0

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colored it with my mouse, thank god for magic lasso

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I found my first digital Ōkami fanart ☀️ did this in 2006 with a mouse, we've come far from those times 👀
It's fun to see that the current fanart I'm making has exactly same elements as this one 😂 so is it kinda like a redraw 🤔

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I made some posters for my Japanese class! I painted them in ms paint with a mouse, it took me so long to do haha! The purple one with mountains is the right size for a desktop background too btw, so feel free to use it a background if you'd like :D

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lefty, the fencing mouse, I have been drawing and painting mice and i cant stop thinking of the borrowers!

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Started with a mouse, I think back then it was fortunately a laser one. Then my friends gave me a bamboo wacom about 10 years ago! And now I have a huion Kamvas Pro 13.

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2017 yolo gambar pake mouse, 2019(agustus) first time megang pentab, 2020 bukannya latihan proporsi atau color theory malah gambar bucinan semua.

huwaa pengen gambar.

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before i had a tablet i still tried very hard to draw things digitally in GIMP/mspaint with a mouse, so as you can imagine, my dA is......a collection of sorts

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I had a Genius tablet for about 3 years. I wanted a beginner friendly tablet, the catch is i bought it used, with no disks, no mouse, and it had 0 pen pressure lol. I now have a cintiq which is something I only dreamed of owning when I got my first tablet.

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march 2019, tablet, firealpaca // may 2020, mouse, mspaint

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Eu sou a Alex ://
Eu queria fazer desenhos digitais mas eu não me dou bem com o mouse, então faço umas coisas estranhas no papel, tiro umas fotos, customizo uns bonecos e eu também sou cosplayer/cosmaker
Meu IG artístico é @ sandwalker_

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Achei que tava melhor da tendinite. Não estou.

Não posso estudar desenho ou desenhar de fato, digitar, usar o mouse, jogar

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No se como logré hacer esto en mouse, pero me gustó.

La idea de Lolito con cuerpo de mujer me encanta fin.

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Estaba aburrida e hice esta cuestión con mouse, igual y después lo paso a un dibujo decente :D aunque no tengo ni puta idea que es ;A;

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Hawk,Mouse, and Storm TH Icons

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Had to make this one with a mouse, because my graphic tablet wasnt working... today was just a shit day...

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