im gonna say naw tbh
commission of a smelly boy for

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And then they have the nerve to be like “come on, hurry up and revive me man!”
So I can get my ass blasted like you? Hell naw!
Next time stick to the plan dummy!

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Dakwah ini ibarat tarik rambut di dalam tepung.

Jangan terlalu memaksa, sehingga yg mahu didakwahkan itu lagi menjauhkan diri dari kita. Sehingga dia tidak lagi mahu mendengar apa-apa lagi nasihat dari kita.

Jangan terlalu keras & berhikmahlah dlm berbahasa.

Karya: Naw Labqi

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This was originally going to be a painting, but I was like naw, don't like the sketch. But if ya'll would want me to finish it, let me know.

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Mahu jadi jutawan itu tidak menjadi masalah. Tapi jangan guna jln menipu. Biarlah rezki kita dapat itu halal dan diberkati Allah. InsyaAllah, Allah akan beri lebih lagi.

Jika anda mampu buat kerja, buktikan dengan gerak kerja. Bukan dengan menipu.

Karya: Naw Labqi

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I just realized, I have too many social media accounts to keep track of and never posted this fjdlskshdlejdhkd but here is Ishura + bonus Sehren (my Runeblade). The Ishura's Photo is available on the MapleStory 2 NAW server.

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Pilih lah untuk terus membuat baik. Kerana kesusahan itu hanya didunia, yang bersifat sementara.

Manakala kehidupan akhirat, adalah kesenangan yang selamanya.

Karya : Naw Labqi

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You don't really think we'd do Fiona or anyone else we homage like that would you!?! Naw! Our entire line of Vault Vintage covers fully recognize the contributions and talents of those artists and creators we've chosen to celebrate. Here's the full cover & dress.

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Naw danke ..und einfach nie aufhören zu üben! >.<

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i tried a new way to color...... dunno if i like it or naw

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Naw forget the crap link, here's the big pic~ :>

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Drawings. One recent, and one old.
1. Naw hugging a flustered salmonella
2. Mtv version of me and specdrawl

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Hukum menghisap rokok telah jelas difatwakan haram, oleh majoriti ulama yang merujuk kepada ahli2 perubatan.

“Jika Allah ‘azza wa jalla mengharamkan untuk mengkonsumsi sesuatu, maka Allah haramkan pula upah (hasil penjualannya).” HR. Ahmad 1/293

Karya: Naw Labqi

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Me? Posting on Twitter? Naw.

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