Paldean Wooper, Fidough and Cetitan Shiny Speculation Time

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TBH I hated the first batch of Pokemon (human)characters shown. I thought they looked pretty boring but I am pleased with this batch... especially these two-
Kamado/Rose fusion and Poison type Paldean form Molayne... my beloveds.

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This is a map of Spain, Portugal, and France, with Kalos and Paldea overlayed on top. Also attached are the three images without overlay.

Kalos is ONLY North France!!!

The South of France has yet to be explored in Pokemon, and might be postgame in Scarlet Violet!!!!!

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i want shiny Paldean wooper to be white with pink like this, idk how to edit the white well though lol

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omg Paldea Wooper is also a precious chocolate bean 🍫

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Axoloto de Paldea est une forme régionale d'Axoloto. De type Poison/Sol, il possède le talent Point Poison ou Absorbe-Eau.

Après s'être installés dans les tourbières, ils ont peu à peu appris à recouvrir leur corps d'un film toxique pour ne pas s'assécher

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My take on the shinies of Paldean Wooper, Fidough and Cetitan!

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Also Paldean Wooper has joined Smoliv as one of my Children

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El que los Pokémon Legendarios de cada versión te sirvan para explorar la región Paldea es una excelente idea. ¿Quién no quiere viajar en una Pokémoto que se transforma en Jet y Moto Acuatica?

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✨Artworks of new pokémon ✨


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A look into a possible future...

Also INB4 Terastal types are random, and Paldean Wooper evo (Quagsire or new) have a blue shiny, so I spend 1000 years farming a shiny Paldean Wooper with water as it's Terastal type just to make old new WoopSire😂

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Novas mecânicas e um lendário inseparável para explorar o mundo aberto da Região de Paldea. Pokémon Scarlet & Violet vai com certeza ser inovador!!!

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O anime de Pokémon já tinha previsto a mega evolução e o gigantamax, agora tem o fenômeno terastal tbm! 😅

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Nós jogos principais, Sinnoh e Paldea são as únicas regiões com 6 letras no nome
E Galar e Paldea (e Hisui) são as únicas sem a letra O no nome.

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