This makes total sense, vaccines can be scary for kids, needles hurt! And if they have dumb parents who don't believe in modern medicine that means we have to fight even harder to show the the truth, that vaccines are safe and effective.

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I don't have any fat villains either. My fattest named character would be the head housekeeper in my space comic, she's heavy set but still able to do her job, and she's a positive character. Not a villain.

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My comes from work in progress updates from my team!

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Well CRT is definitely a scape goat. Most people have no idea what it even is.

But I'm talking more about the federal level. The Dem loss in Virginia wasn't just about local politics. It is foreshadowing a red wave blood bath in 2022, unless the Dems change paths asap.

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A vote for Winsome Sears is a good vote. 👌

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Anyone calling Virginia voters racist need only look to Winsome Sears.

She's not just a token minority choice. She's intelligent, and successful, and clear evidence that race and gender are not barriers to success.

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Basically, yeah. The democrats lost in Virginia because they're pushing stuff that's too far left.

The republican win was not because Republicans have a good platform. It's just less bad.

...that being said Winsome Sears is a win for everyone 👌

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This is true. The democrats are pushing too much far left stuff, they need to get more towards the center or 2022 will be a red wave blood bath.

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It's hilarious watching events in Virginia. The right was so butthurt when Trump lost, claiming a rigged election... if the left pulls that now, it'll be everything coming full circle.

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Not sure if that's really the main factor. But anyone yelling white supremacist at the republican voters needs to recognize they voted for Winsome Sears as well, and shut it!

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Yay for Winsome Sears! That's already a huge deal. 🙂

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That will be hilarious 😆

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They also elected someone who will lower taxes, give parents more of a say in their children's education, and specifically the LT. gov: inspire children by showing anyone can achieve great things, regardless of race or gender.

Your villain is someone else's hero.

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I don't think the Republican wins are a "red wave". I think people are voting red because they hate what's being pushed by the Democrats. A win by default, really...

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LOL. Wildly inaccurate. This is exactly why people can't agree to disagree. Because claims are just factually false.

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These wins in Virginia should show the Democrats that people are not happy with their platform. It doesn't necessarily mean people want what the Republicans represent, I think it's more people actively hating what the Democrats represent.

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We need police. That's not up for debate.

But we also need to trust our police. That's difficult for many people. We can make changes to help with that, we should make changes, but there will always be people who don't trust them.

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The police are one of the most important workforces in any city. They are critical!

They're not perfect. We do need some changes.

Removing them is not an option, though. We must support them. We must mold them into the better civil servants we need, not replace them.

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At least they

We definitely need change. But we also need police. An improved police, not a removed police.

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