those who burnt their d̵e̵v̵i̷l̵s̷ have received the g̵o̶l̷d̶e̷n̶ ̷k̸e̴y̶ which will open the c̷h̵e̴s̵t̶ of rewards. although not all d̵e̵v̵i̷l̵s̷ are the same, they will have more opportunities.. for even more r̵e̴w̷a̸r̵d̴s̸... 🔥😈

89 218


₿ring THΞ HØÐL WΔR̸R̸IØR̸$ to $XPR

Grab your
On 🤟😎👌


Game details on our Discord


19 41

c̸o̷m̸m̵i̵s̴s̸i̸o̶n̵ for , tysm for the support!

109 465

m̸a̸m̴m̵o̸n̸ the leader of the greed faction of devils. m̸a̸m̴m̵o̸n̸ demands that all of his d̷e̷v̴i̷l̸s̵ raid other factions for anything of v̵a̶l̵u̷e̵. with no actual need for these items, they just pile the items around his t̷h̶r̷o̶n̶e̴ as he sits and admires them.

39 113

l̷e̸v̴i̵a̸t̷h̵a̵n̶ is the lord of the envy faction. l̷e̸v̴i̵a̸t̷h̵a̵n̶ and the devils that worship him are constantly in a state of ̷j̵e̴a̸l̸o̶u̵s̵y̴ of the other factions. stuck in a never ending cycle of watching what ̷o̴t̶h̵e̵r̶s̵ are doing.

35 100

b̶e̸l̴p̴h̶e̴g̴o̴r̶ , the leader of a faction of the laziest d̴e̸v̵i̸l̴s̶ in all the valley. these d̴e̸v̵i̸l̴s̶ refuse to do simple tasks such as eating or going to the bathroom for no reason other than pure lack of m̸o̸t̷i̸v̵a̵t̸i̷o̴n̸.

38 86

I need to read (w̸r̸i̸t̸e̸) a fic where Izanami, Hela, Hades, Mictlantecuhtli, and of course Anubis, talk about how difficult it is to deal with human souls and complain about their siblings xd

Anubis and Mictlantecuhtli would be the chef of the meeting, lol

3 43

the d̵e̷v̸i̵l̷s̶ gathered in order to defeat the d̵o̷g̶s̶ in their den and avenge their fallen c̵o̷m̸r̴a̴d̶e̵s̴. however the power of the d̵o̷g̶s̶ was o̷v̶e̶r̷w̴h̵e̶l̵m̵i̸n̶g̴ and the attempt failed. more d̵e̷v̸i̵l̷s̶ lives were lost.

68 154

I caught Winston stealing lollipops 🍭 again today c̵h̵a̸o̴s̶ in d̶e̶v̶i̷l̷v̷a̵l̷l̶e̴y as usual

Who else in is 😈

9 33

|̨IN̸͢V̸̕I̧̛SIB̵͜L̶E ҉C̢HI͠LD̨R͢E͜Ń|̸
SOLD OUT on 1ary🔥
Now available on 2ary from 4xtz
Thanks to the collectors

2 10

||̨IN̸͢V̸̕I̧̛SIB̵͜L̶E ҉C̢HI͠LD̨R͢E͜Ń ̸|̸҉|͘
Only 3/20 editions left! 🔥

Special thanks to the amazing collectors +anonymous! 💜

3 9

the Angel has a message for you! Hm…i wonder what’s it about?

What do you do?

[Approach and listen to the Angel?]
[̴i̵g̶n̵o̶r̸e̷ ̶a̷n̶d̶ ̵m̴o̵v̵e̶ ̵o̶n̸.̶]̷

20 89

Ayo??? New friends?? Fuck yeah 🥺I swear I won’t drink your blood- this vampire dragon goddess is just here to make friends! A̵n̶d̶ ̷d̴o̸m̸i̷n̶a̷t̵e̷ ̷t̴h̶e̵ ̵m̵o̷r̵t̸a̴l̵ ̷r̵e̸a̵l̶m̶

0 4

Surviving this A̵p̷o̵c̵a̷l̷y̸p̵s̶e̷

2 4

e̴v̴e̴r̷y̶t̸h̴i̶n̷g̸ ̵h̴e̴r̴e̴ ̴i̴s̵ ̶s̷o̸ ̶w̵e̶r̸i̶d̴

22 97

💣 Sorry, a system error occurred.
💣 Sorry, a system error occurred.̶
💣 Sorry, a̸ system erro̵r occurred.
�̵ So̵rry, a system erro̵r o̵ccurred.
�̵ Sorry, a system error occurred.
�̵ ̸S̸o̷r̶r̴y̵,̴ ̸a̴ ̸s̸y̴s̶t̶e̷m̶ ̷e̸r̸r̸o̶r̵ ̵o̶c̷c̸u̴r̸r̵e̸d̷.̸

24 65

kill the 🐑 g̴e̶t̴ ̴t̷h̶e̶ ̸k̷e̷y̶s̶.̶.̵ 🔑 kill the, umm, .̶ya.̵ g̴e̶t̴ ̴t̷h̶e̶ ̸k̷e̷y̶s̶.̶.̵😈🔥

10 34

kill the dog.. g̴e̶t̴ ̴t̷h̶e̶ ̸k̷e̷y̶s̶.̶.̵ kill the dog.. g̴e̶t̴ ̴t̷h̶e̶ ̸k̷e̷y̶s̶.̶.̵

89 230