The Fanart for !
to thank you 1000 followers ><

21 101

Sorry to say again ... but the commission in this week can be late ... this is my last week to be with mister fox's house .. I want to spend my time with him, sorry to the commissioner again ; - ; I'll do the commission as I can

22 146

Finally I got my Lucario in Pokémon Café Mix !
He's so adorable !! and easy to use !!

8 83

Dog paw-trait in digital watercolor. I'm in love with the watercolor effect. Another first on my

0 0

[Thanks Giving 1000K Followers Reward]
taikun ()
ThatOneCoonie ()
Harmvin () (this one the answer not correct but I like his criticize as well >< thank you !)

for these Lucky Person please send me the OC inbox or in this post comment

18 90

My current commission is a comic for 2 pages
so it'll take me a time and this is my comic commission this is excited me up (also sorry for the next queue for late)

8 72

Yesterday I have some waist pain so I stop the commission works for 1 day ... but now I'm better and ready for the commission :3

29 137

Nezuki's weaken point
this always hurt my eyes

also I'm sorry to say but today I need to rest from commission for 1 day
sorry the commission queue for the late T T

39 174

so now ... should the fox need to be punishment too?

43 255

after work last night I spend all my time in Pokémon Café Mix and I'm stuck at 118 right now ... why this game is so hard !?

19 116

Pokémon Café Mix added Lucario in the game !!
but I'm still on Order 76 for now T T Huuuu ~
How's everyone ? which order you've reached ? ^^

17 81

Ready for work ! but now I'm with Mister Fox ! ^^

17 95

Hey ! everyone .. sorry to say that but
I'm on travel to Mister Fox's house so ... today I'm stop working commission for 1 day
tomorrow I'll be back to work again
thank you everyone for alway following my works !

15 80

Fox's punishment
//try to practice some hard compose of action

88 416

Usaru's the most wanted in my commission queue
so .. it's feeling like this ... sorry mister fox ; w ;

23 140

Fanart for Tai Kun (from FB)
Thanks for following and for cute character ><

12 65

Fanart Toki from
Thanks for following and for cute character !

18 79