Antique engraving featuring Neptune and Amphitrite pulled by hippocamps. Triton blows his conch trumpet to calm the waves before the chariot. Art by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677). Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.

3 27

Pieter Schoubroeck (1570-1607)

36 123


13 66

Hi~ I am Ritaa1607!
actually this is just an old account that I rarely use. But now, I want to use this account to post my art on twitter!
Please support me on twitter by following this account! (´∀`)

I hope u like my art 😳💕

3 11

Born in 1549: (1549-1609), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by (1535-1607), 1587

Pisa, Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Reale

3 3

6th place:

Edward Elric with 1607 votes

0 6

His success was finally achieved by being an artist for the Borghese family (1607-14). An early masterpiece is Atalanta & Hippomenes (1612). Also shown is Hercules (1617-19) & the sensually provocative St Sebastian (1617-18)

1 5

Cornelis de Baellieur the Elder (5 February1607 – 26 July1671) was a Flemish Baroque painter.The Nativity20

4 17

A QUIRKY AMERICAN HISTORY MOVIE JOURNEY Pt 1: The New World (2005, dir by Terrence Malick, USA) A stunning & sly look at the 1607 collision of European soldiers of fortune with Native Americans. In the end, this is Pocahontas' story and she infuses the movie with deep humanism.

0 1

Cornelis Claesz. van Wieringen
The explosion of the Spanish Admiral Ship, at the Battle of Gibraltar, 1607

18 33

Привет, у меня сегодня день рождения!
Мне было бы очень приятно, если бы вы подарили мне ретвит и поделились моими картинками)
Если кто-то будет так добр, чтобы пожелать кинуть в меня денежку на антидепрессанты, у меня есть сбер: 4817 7602 3787 1607

3 20

Shishido Baiken fue un espadachín japonés que se cree estuvo activo en los primeros años del período Edo. La leyenda dice que Baiken era un hábil practicante del kusarigama, y ​​alrededor del año 1607 peleó un duelo contra Miyamoto Musashi en el que fue asesinado

1 17

Heemskerk’s Defeat of the Spaniards at Gibraltar, 25 April 1607
Cornelis Claesz. van Wieringen (1580–1635)
National Maritime Museum

2 12



3 13

Born in 1541: (1541-87), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by Alessandro (1535-1607), 1570-5

1 1

Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, 1607

11 38

【呪文書綴じ師】 1607/2280

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0 6

Erasmus Quellin II (1607-1673)-'Achilles among the daughters of Lycomedes'-oil on canvas Bruges-Groeningen Museum

3 2