N. F. Schiøttz-Jensen (1855-1941): Fishermen catching flatfish. "Flynderfiskere", 1906.

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'The Cadence of Autumn' by Pre-Raphaelite painter Evelyn De Morgan, 1855. Telling myths + legends from a female perspective, her active heroines appear clothed(!) + connected to nature🍂

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Happy Birthday Evelyn de Morgan, born in 1855! One of the most impressive artists of a generation, her richly coloured work features beautifully draped figures, delivers messages of feminism, spirituality, rejection of war & material wealth, all relevant today!

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Evelyn De Morgan (30 August 1855 – 2 May 1919) was an English painter.Hope in a Prison of Despair..Ελπίδα σε μια φυλακή απελπισίας..
Evelyn De Morgan (30 August 1855 – 2 May 1919) was an English painterAurora c1886 Η Αυγή c1886

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Frederick McCubbin, 1855 – 1917, Australian artist - Bush Idyll

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Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa Having a Rest under a Tree, 1855 https://t.co/x9jf2BP9r6

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Thomas Ralph Spence (23.8.1855 - 1918),was a British artrist-- Sleeping Beauty_b

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🎨The Goose Girl
Henry John Yeend King (1855-1924)

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Thomas Ralph Spence (23.8.1855 - 1918) was a British painter

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Thomas Ralph Spence (23.8.1855 - 1918) was a British painter_master

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Daily bunny no.1855 is home on the range

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Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919), "The Sleeping Earth and Wakening Moon".

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.Evelyn De Morgan (Londra, 30 agosto 1855 – Londra, 2 maggio 1919), è stata una pittrice preraffaellita britannica.Aurora Triumphans c1886

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The wrestle of Jacob
-1855, Gustave Dore

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah, 1855 https://t.co/XksjbdsZSm

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Maxim Nikiforovich Vorobiev (17 August 1787 - 11 September 1855) was a Russian landscape painter.Sunrise

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Constantin Guys, Woman in a Blue Dress (recto), 1855-1860 https://t.co/0uu1B8Kzzt

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