dia 12 gimme shelter ( se supone que sakura lo esta abrazando pero no creo que se entienda)

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day 6 - Studio Ghibli style

This was definitely a challenge but I hope you like this version of Spirited Away with Taehyung as Chihiro and Yoongi as Haku

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Currently facing insecurities because I keep thinking that I can't produce good arts, I don't have ay progress, and I'm never satisfied enough of my paintings.

It is exactly 20d since I started painting this one. I don't think I could finish it so I just let it look like this.

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[#20d20] ¡Bimb ha dedicado todo este tiempo a visitar otros círculos druídicos para formarse! Desde comprender a un mediano que solo sabe decir "wasabi", a controlar tierra y agua, los poderes del personaje de han crecido exponencialmente.


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[#20d20] ¡Vuelven nuestros aventureros tras cinco años! Os presentamos a Adariel, la Sacerdotisa Madre de Stellux, quien ha supervisado en todo momento la reconstrucción de su templo. La semielfa más cuqui a este lado de Antares es el personaje de .


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July 26 | Day 26 : Something Sweet.

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[D91 - OD]

"Where ya'll from?..."

😈 - "MAD-END"

🔥 - "B.D.X. Wing"

💟 - "Royalton!"

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Dia 5- Arrival
Referencia al manga donde la waifu recibe al husbando con flores (es mi primer atardecer)

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🔥 "Guess it's best we split up."
😈 "Sure thing, 'Fred.'"
💟 "You two go ahead, I need to go over my checklist."


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