│ ✐; Enero 2023.
│ ┆ ✐; Jally8498.

8 63


🐻 BadCub

Currently valued at $198.19

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Winner selected Via TwitterPicker this Wednesday - 02/01/2023

892 923

98.12.28 男達の別れ

0 1

X-Men from February 1998.

89 836

DeGod (Rank
Just sold for 498.33 S◎L | 7.57 ETH | $11725.70


1 15

You may be flawed, the world might hate you,
But I think you're pretty cool Giant-Nuclear-Monkey-Iguana-That-Makes-People-Very-Angry-Whenever-Someone-Calls-You-Godzilla from 1998.

254 1156

Uncanny X-Men from September 1998.

40 498

Kanpai Pandas 2769 bought for Ξ4.6231 ($7,498.21)
Avg Price: Ξ2.19
Rare Traits:
Head: Bald - 1.16%
Mouth: Ginger Beard - 1.88%


0 2

Sure... Well, I’ve always loved u and ur work since book one in 1998. I was 17 and u made my life more magical. Ur work inspired me in so many ways my whole life and I’m grateful for everything U did 💖✨🫶🏼
Two of my HP illustrations some yrs ago 🍸✨

0 0

Je vous présente ma nouvelle affiche alternative.
Consacrée une fois de plus au film Velvet Goldmine de Todd Haynes, sorti en 1998.
N’hésitez donc pas à partager si vous appréciez le résultat.

6 15

Pudgy Penguins 4224 bought for Ξ8.0402 ($13,098.61)
Avg Price: Ξ5.31


1 6


✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to gruffishere for 0.55 ETH ($898.88)



7 52

2 Doodles swept for a total of 14.91 ETH(24,598.37 USD) on Blur


0 1

Francesco Gessi (January 20, 1588 - 1649) was an Italian painter.20.1.Francesco Giovanni Gessi-98..
2.Francesco Gessi (January 20, 1588 - 1649) was an Italian painter.Bacco and Arianna356

2 7