お陰様でVenusBlood HOLLOWのキックスタータープロジェクトは3766万円(285%)の調達に成功! 本当に感謝です! 尚、本日アップデートにて重要情報があります。ぜひご一読下さい!

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A HUGE thank you to each and every one of you lovely backers for helping us successfully fund the VenusBlood HOLLOW International Kickstarter Campaign! We love each and every one of you!

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ストレッチゴール#5(250%)を達成! 素晴らしい! これでサイドキャラクターに追加シーンが決定!ナズナちゃんは、貴方に意味ありげな視線を送っていますよ……!

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この成果に羅刹国の忍び、ナズナさんも大絶賛!「触手の皆さんの任務達成率は、素晴らしいものがありますね……!」Illustrator:空維深夜 https://t.co/wTh3kgm42Z

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Our latest KS Update:(https://t.co/xf89QZVXdN)
250% Funded! We now have Stretch Goal in the bag!
With this, another side character will be getting a new scene, and Nazuna here is giving you a meaningful stare...You know what to do, voters!

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癒し系天使ルセリが驚きつつも祝福です!「わわっ、予想以上の成果ですねっ!? おめでとうございますー!」Illustrator : 熊虎たつみ


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ストレッチゴール#4(200%)を達成! 素晴らしい! 我らがエンジェル、ルセリさんからの応援と祝福を得て、さらなるストレッチゴールを目指しましょう!

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Our latest KS Update:(https://t.co/iUyb9WHld4)
And so, Stretch Goal has been achieved! Luseli seems happy for us...With the blessing of this lovely angel, let us keep on pushing towards the next stretch goal!

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本日10/1の22:00~『電脳妄想開発室』に、私ディレクターのけ~まるがゲスト出演! VenusBlood HOLLOWのお話もさせて頂きます! https://t.co/RADCgHhi2r

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そして、KS開発日記にて、アノーラのもみまくらのカラー版を初公開! ぜひその目に焼き付けるべし!  https://t.co/O6CdqAl4xZ

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Our latest KS Update:(https://t.co/8pphVU8ZQt)
Ninetail's Director will be guest starring on an online talk show known as Denmo TV (Jp) on Oct 1! Do tune in if you are interested!
Also, Anora's Momimakura (Breast Pillow) just looks so beautiful. Do take a look!

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竜の歌姫リーゼが、今の気持ちを述べています!「皆さんのお力添え、本当に感謝いたしますね……!」Illustrator : なるみすずね https://t.co/ICvqi4CQZD

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KS開始から17日目で遂に、ストレッチゴール3達成! 見て下さい、リーゼちゃんも大喜び! 眩しい笑顔……守ってあげたい。(或いは、それとも……!?)

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Our latest KS Update:(https://t.co/txPaULjwBG)
Stretch Goal is in the bag, my friends! Look at how happy Liese is! What a precious smile, one that must be protected! (Or corrupted)
Also, we reveal the 4th Jet Black Hero's choice of heroine!

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Our latest KS Update:(https://t.co/jEVUJYf94c)
We've done it, everyone! Stretch Goal is in the bag! Almirangda expects us to reach for even greater heights, surely...You do not wish to disappoint her, yes?

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そして、リーゼのもみ枕のカラー画像も、本邦初公開! 恥ずかし気にはにかむ竜少女の奇跡の美に、数多の触手達が引き寄せられる……ッ! 続きはKS開発日記で!


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Our latest KS Update: (https://t.co/DtPBDa3408)
Today, we reveal the character that a certain Jet-Black Hero has chosen to receive a scene! Who is it? Well, check the update to find out!
Also, Liese's Momimakura looks amazing! Want to see it? Read the update!

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