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Spider-Woman #10/105
Words @THEKarlaPacheco
Art Pere Perez, Frank D'Armata
ABCs @TravisJLanham
The cover says she's out for blood like she hasn't been like that for the last 9 issues!
But seriously this book has been an absolute blast. Dino hybrids, yacht fights and clone mom's!
Iron Fist Heart of The Dragon #3
Words Larry Hama
Art @DaveWachter Neeraj Menon
ABCs @TravisJLanham
My 1st ever Iron Fist comic venture continues!
This book has a lot of heart and is a lot of fun!
Iron Fist is trying to prevent the rise of the dead by saving the world's dragons!
🖤 Back to fanart ABCs... E for Elvira...which feels like the original big titty goth gf 😆
#fanart #ArtistOnTwitter #digitalart
Superman #29 / Tales of Metropolis Backup
Words @PhillipKJohnson / @SeanChrisLewis
Art @philhester @ericgapstur @hificolor / Sami Basri @ulises_arreola
Abcs @daveLsharpe
New team! And a new stepping on point for those that want to read some Superman!
Late entry!
Eniac #1
Words @mattkindt
Art @dougbraithwaite @DiegoR_Colorist
ABCs @daveLsharpe
The first of the new mysterious publishers books!
The cover is immediately grabbing but as they say "it's what's on the inside that counts!"
A supercomputer that maybe a superweapon...
The Swamp Thing #1
Words @therightram
Art Mike Perkins @SpicerColor
ABCs @adityab
New DC, means new Swamp Thing!
Alec Holland is no longer guardian of the green, it's a new man called Levi an Indian man stuck in his own horrific murder mystery!
Suicide Squad #1
Words @rthompson1138
Art @edupansica Julio Ferreira, Marcelo Maiolo
ABCs @wabbott15
Like everyone I know we're all very excited for the new film so let's get an AWESOME series too!
Very excited to see the likes of Peacemaker and TALON on the team!
Sea of Sorrows #4
Words @rdouek
Art @AlexCormack4 Mark Mullaney
ABCs @JustinBirch
One of the creepiest comics out there right now and it's not even Halloween!
If you're a fan of horror then I promise you'll be a fan of this book!
Runaways #34
Words @rainbowrowell
Art Andres Genolet @deezoid
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
I REFUSE to believe that THE WOLVERINE is short!
It's only shown in half the comics and never in any movies! He's regular sized!
Also the books great you should get it!
Catch up on the trades!
Nocterra #1
Words @Ssnyder1835
Art @TonyDanielx2 @tomeu_morey
ABCs @deronbennett
If you're looking for a comic that's equal parts "Pitch Black", "RE: Extinction" and "Dead Space" then look no further!
From the genius minds of Snyder and Daniel!
Sounds like a helluva ride!
Firepower #9
Words @RobertKirkman
Art @ChrisSamnee @COLORnMATT
ABCs @ruswooton
Kung-Fu and the power of fire at your finger tips!
I absolutely adore this book and I really do beleive everyone should be reading this. It's comics in its purest form!
The Dreaming Waking Hours #8
Words @GWillowWilson
Art @ArtofNickRobles @_matlopes_
ABCs @SimonBowland
Still CONSISTENTLY one of the best DC ongoings of this era. It takes what @neilhimself & his team created and just builds on it, adding to it to make it BETTER
Its transcendent.
Captain Marvel #26/160
Words @79SemiFinalist
Art @LeeGarbett @AntonioFabela
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
Finale to the latest great arc!
Gotta love alternate future stories! Especially when done by such an imaginative team as this one!
I honestly can't wait to see where Carol goes next!
Batman White Knight Presents:
Harley Quinn #5
Words Katana Collins, Sean Murphy
Art @ScaleraMatteo @Dragonmnky
ABCs @andworlddesign
Ive been really enjoying this mini after I picked up the first 3. The story is real fun and it's probably my favorite HQ/Batman relationship ever!
The Amazing Spider-man #60
Words @nickspencer
Art @realmarkbagley @TheJohnDell Andrew Hennessy @rachellecheri
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
What can I say about this run that I haven't already in the past 60 issues?
How about how CONSISTENTLY good it's been? There's hasn't been a miss yet!
Iron Man #6
Words @ifyoucantwell
Art @cafucomic Frank D'Armatta
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
Now here's a book I've already read!
And I've already read it because this is such a very exciting comic!
That means you should probably read it! And if you can't well...
Haha #2
Words W. Maxwell Prince
Art @zoethorogood @ChrisOHalloran
ABCs Good Ol' Neon
Not many books can make you a fan for life with just 1 issue, but this one sure did!
And now with Zoe's work on the book I'm sure to love it more cause she will def be the next big comic artist!
Guardians of the Galaxy #11/173
Words @Al_Ewing
Art Juan Cabal @toonfed_oficial
ABCs @corypetit
Annihilation is the event for me. It's what got me to love comics and the Marvel universe
And now to have such a love letter to it in this week's issues brought those feeling back...
Little baby..... doesn’t even know they’re abcs...... commission for a friend !!