
一种冷静的疯狂,是该角色的魅力所在啊 ​​ ​

29 100

TW: blood, violence

After some kil- *ahem* job's done, never forget to have a moment for stress relief.

70 273

I heard one song and thought, "Damn it, Annie looks like a Valkyrie!". And so this work was born.

12 33

I noticed I haven't posted hitannie, so

here's some hitchannie 😌🥰💖💕

18 63

Annie quick redraw from the Junior high dodgeball scene.
Kummi, thank you for the suggestion. It was a blast trying to draw this perspective

22 72

Some irl stuff came up so... sorry for the wait! but here they are💖 hope you all like it ☺️❣️

38 122