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The last group of new drawings from Time Monster is today’s classic offering. Hippias, Krasis and an Atlantis guard.

6 60

DeSantis’ expensive taxpayer-funded Reedy Creek board says Disney attorneys stripped them of power to do anything but road maintenance.

Beaten by a mouse!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

1788 7769

Liberals/leftists cheering on the evil megacorporation that kissed China's ass for years and thanked them for letting them film near a concentration camp just to own DeSantis. You people are a joke. Though now we get to find out who has deeper pockets: Disney or the government?

83 371

These so far I think are the ones I’d call my favorites for now :) like lurantis, Greninja and wigglytuff have always been favorites but bellibolt is a new one that I wasn’t expecting lol https://t.co/QEKTFipZjI

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Thank you for the lovely stream, everyone! And thank you for the awesome raid!!

Made some more progress on Mantis!Aima, and I am super happy with how it's turning out! ( )

After, we raided ! Go show them some love!

1 9

Guess what, DeSantis’ expensive taxpayer funded Reedy Creek board says Disney attorneys stripped them of power to do anything but road maintenance.

I believe the expression is "fucked around and found out"
The Reedy Creed Improvement District is not funded by the taxpayer. It… https://t.co/UkIw3n59PD

295 1328

Disney making Ron DeSantis look like an impotent fool is EVERYTHING.

428 3329

"Go Disney" is trending because Ron DeSantis thought he was king of Florida.

76 288

Comment ne pas penser a une peinture romantique face à de tels paysages ? Les codes du romantisme se retrouvent à travers les paysages et l'histoire des jeux; les rêves, la déraison, la peur... Dark Souls, Elden RIng et Bloodborne en sont en quelques sortes les héritiers...

0 5

Iron mantis 🌸character owned by me, design by ForteSoul on https://t.co/2PfWvwckoH !

5 12

this isn't even half
lurantis is one of em btw https://t.co/M5STxjs9bH

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Ancient Gods of Atlantis
1/1 on objkt.

2 6

Good afternoon/evening, Josh!

My 1/1 on objkt from Underwater cyborgs collection: Ancient Gods of Atlantis

2 3

Barry Blitt ha combinado el affaire '#David es porno' con el enfrentamiento gobernador
A ver que sale de posibles nuevos retoques

➕#humor &


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