– 28x28cm (Tinta y marcadores sobre papel de algodón) más detalles en: https://t.co/4EXPsBNxrp

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Koala // Phascolarctos cinereus 🐨🌱
From Wild Animals of the South by Dieter Braun.
In all great UK bookshops and at https://t.co/muOiDk267L

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here's a couple of life restorations of fossil pinnipeds - early walrus Pelagiarctos, and Allodesmus with early fur seal Eotaria

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Here's a phascolarctos cinereus in trendy garb🐨👕✨"One eucalyptus milkshake, please!"

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13~15百万年前のセイウチ Pelagiarctos thomasi は殺し屋でなかい新証拠。海生哺乳類を捕食とされたが、歯の内部構造を走査電顕で調べ、魚食性のオットセイらと同じと。 https://t.co/Gi32FNk4TJ

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Reconstruction of head of early sea lion-like walrus Pelagiarctos with jaw superimposed

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Ursus arctos, animal solitario de oído agudo y olfato finísimo.

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Ursus arctos: fuerza, valentía y paz. Ilustración en colaboración c/ y

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Ursus Arctos (oso pardo) – Sticker de una especie mamífera normalmente solitaria

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