There are some arts that I didn't posted on twt cause I feel like it's unnecessary

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Не оминала я малювання по різним фанхатам...

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Навчилась за той період того,що,як і кожна людина,творчі люди теж мають право на відпочинок-і це,як на мене,позитивно вплинуло на якість робіт

(приклад-робота,над якою працювала 1 день,і робота,над котрою працювала кілька днів)

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2022 рік докорінно змінив всіх;показав,де є чорне,а де-біле;знищував ілюзію,здиравши личину.

В той час став змінюватись й мій підхід до малювання:експерементувала з пензлями,стала малювати на полотні більшого масштабу(і мені це сподобалось)

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Year of improvement and Hololive ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ✨✨

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FInally got around to make it, on to a new year with amazing art

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Made a dramatic amount of progress this year.
I've loved my art, but I honestly haven't been able to feel entirely confident in it. I plan to fix that.
TY, all 283 of you, for joining me for it regardless.

Hope this looks good as a wallpaper or something. 🫠

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나 이거 12달 채워본게 처음이야..

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I’ve grown so much.
Thank you for following my art journey this year! I’ll work even harder next year too❤️

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I started drawing again after several years of just work and school and i think i made some improvement 🍦

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I never post the graphic design stuff I do since it's a bit far from usual art stuff, but I do love and enjoy doing it.

Here are some favorites that I did this year, and there's a LOT more that I wish I could post but they're a secret for now!

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It's ten minutes late but here is my 2022 summary of art!

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