ยินดีกับครบรอบ4ปีของBproด้วย เย้🎊

คงไม่ได้วาดอะไรให้(?) เอาภาพเก่าแปะไปก่อนนะ💕

0 0


55 204

BPRO 、悠太君出た😊

0 0

TomoTsuba a.k.a. my very first BPro ship... the cinderella ship //sobs

25 49

寺光唯月 + 寺光遙日

6 8

hey bpro fandom do yall like uhh,,,, fem designs cuz

9 24


แงงง หาเวลาว่าง(?)เล่นได้ซักที //-\\ งานรีบไว้ใจเร------

1 3

Kazu-chan Tomo-chan

17 38

I picked up a new game called Hero's Park and this handsome young man reminds me Hayato (Ifan) and Tomohisa (Bpro)

I am in love 💖❄

0 1

Hahaha... you’re so nice to us Kento stans bpro....


Event starts tomorrow....

11 59



14140 51788

[#Bpro] Guys did you know that I love Hikaru do much,,,,,,,

4 10

catalog thingy ;w;;
Will update the rest when I wake up _(:3 」∠)_

Order list
- idol charms
- idol pillow plushies
- non idol charms/pillow plushies
- new prints/whatever’s left

35 67

Is anyone interested in these bois?

- $8 + $4 shipping
- US only pls
- payment needed immediately as the box is already released
- shipping is charged upon the bois arrival to me

@ ur bpro friends please! RTs are appreciated!!

thanks ~ ☆

4 2

WIP Thread - Kitakore BPRO
(Updates later)

2 15

Finally my boi Haruhi came home TT^TT bless Bpro RNG today

0 2

Momo sparked in today's roll in Bpro. Bless you ghost child.

0 2

Thank you Bpro for releasing this so I can have a bpro heart attack ver. 😆

16 52

Me to Bpro: kcjshxhsjsjxjjjj;;;;;

24 41